Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Banking How-To's

Every year, my mom, sister and I try to have a baking day together so that we can share and trade recipes and baked goods.  It's a win-win situation where we can spend the day together, while also getting a bigger variety of goodies to take home!

This year, however, presented quite a challenge with finding recipes without sugar and dairy.  You can find one or the other, but both is very difficult.  I will lay out the three recipes that I followed, however, I will not say this is an entirely "sugar-free" post.  Some of these baked goods did have a little bit of sugar added in (not by me), because there was a bit of sugar in the coconut or in the carob chips (maybe?).  I try to live by excluding absolutely all soy and dairy and can live with sugar so long as it's not in the top three of ingredient amounts.  I cut out sugar wherever I can, but sometimes I find I just have to choose my battles.  Soy and dairy seems to be the worst for me, so that's what I focus on.  That being said, I AM strict with sugar...but the reality is is that I'm intolerant to 3 of the most common label items.  Again, choose your battles.

Recipes to come on these 3....need a break!!

Peanut Butter Fudge

Maple Sugar Cookies!

Coconut Fruit Balls!

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